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Review: The Flash | 3D Muscle Pattern Fullbody Printed Zentai Suit

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where do you purchase this item?
Please contact us at: service@zentai-zentai.com
Rashaud  September 18 2015


hello do u think that u will be able to make the flash cw suit
Please send us photos to : service@zentai-zentai.com
Jason  April 11 2015


how can i buy this suit?
Please contact: service@zentai-zentai.com
Oliver  February 19 2015


I noticed that these particular images are a much brighter red than that of those you have on your site under the 3d printed flash suit. How do you order one with these colors instead of that very dark red?
This suit is not in the model size, so it is over stretched.
Jorge  February 13 2015


can you make a new "52 aquaman suit whit 3D shades ?
Please provide printing file, we can make it for you.
Josh  December 10 2014


Could make a reverse flash version of this
We will require the printing file . Please contact: support@zentai-zentai.com
Sean  May 04 2014


Hello, I was interested in purchasing The Flash muscle pattern full body printed suit. I was hoping to have it custom fit for my body as well. Thank you
Please choose size custom or leave your measurements in the remarks text box.